FRCP Revisions

The most substantial revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure since 2006 went into effect on December 1, 2015. I've published two articles on the substance of those revisions, which can be accessed here and here. On February 26, 2016, I was honored to present and MCLE seminar on [...]

FRCP Revisions2017-01-06T10:58:10-08:00

The First Amendment and Blogging

Can attorneys ethically blog about their past trials? Does doing so violate client confidentiality? Does doing so violate professional conduct rules? What do you think? In October 2012, the Redwood Empire Paralegals Association hosted an MCLE Seminar on ethics. I was pleased to have been one of three presenters on [...]

The First Amendment and Blogging2017-01-06T10:58:11-08:00
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